Prof. Duncan Snidal, Ph.D.

Visiting Fellow

University of Oxford

Political Science

Duncan Snidal is Professor of International Relations at the University of Oxford and a fellow of Nuffield College and the British Academy; he previously taught at the University of Chicago.

His research focuses on problems of international cooperation and institutions with an emphasis on institutional design. Duncan Snidal is co-author of "Institutional Choice and Global Commerce" (Cambridge University Press, 2013) and co-editor of "International Organizations as Orchestrators" (Cambridge University Press, 2015). Recent articles have appeared in "International Organization", "British Journal of Political Science", "Journal of Conflict Resolution" and "The Annals of the American Academy". He is co-founder of the journal "International Theory" and general co-editor of a forthcoming twelve volume set of Oxford Handbooks of International Relations. His current project analyzes informal international organizations (such as the G20) as distinctive forms of international governance.

Duncan Snidal was at CAS in May and June 2019 as a member of the CAS Research Group "Power Shifts and Institutional Change in International Institutions" of Prof. Dr. Bernhard Zangl. He also participated in the workshop "International Institutions in an Age of Global Power Shifts: Negotiating Change" on 27 and 28 June 2019.

From April to June 2024, he is once again a Visiting Fellow at CAS.