Micha Gläser, Ph.D.

Previous Visiting Fellow

University of Zürich


Micha Gläser is Postdoctoral Fellow in Political Philosophy at the Universität Zürich and Instructor at the Universität Freiburg at the Department of Economics. He holds a bachelor's degree in Philosophy and Economics from the Universität Bayreuth and a Ph.D. in Philosophy from Harvard University, where he completed a dissertation on the concept of practical authority under the supervision of Christine Korsgaard.

Micha Gläser's research spans across ethics, political philosophy, and the philosophy of law. His research interests revolve around the question how we relate to each other as persons. He published on what it is for a person to request something of another. While he is currently working on articles on Immanuel Kant's philosophy of right and John Rawls's theory of justice, he is planning to revisit the topic of request during his time in the CAS Research Group of Monika Betzler.

Micha Gläser is member of the CAS Research Group "Relationships in Transition: Normative Challenges" of Prof. Dr. Monika Betzler.