Konstanze Domhardt is an academic staff member with the Chair for Town Planning of Prof. Dr. Vittorio Magnago Lampugnani at the ETH Zurich.

Following her doctoral studies at the ETH Zurich and Harvard University, along with further research positions in the USA, she has taught and conducted research since 2008 at the Institute of the History and Theory of Architecture at the ETH Zurich. In her work, she is concerned with city research from the perspective of ideological and discourse history, focusing particularly on the transatlantic exchange between urban planners since the mid 1930s. In her dissertation entitled Die CIAM-Debatten zum Stadtzentrum und die amerikanische Nachbarschaftstheorie: Ein transatlantischer Ideenaustausch, 1937-1951 (The CIAM Debates on City Center and the American Neighborhood Theory: A Transatlantic Exchange of Ideas, 1937-1951 - published Zurich 2012), she investigates the development of the discipline of city planning in the USA within national networks and the emergence of the city planning of the Congrès Internationaux d’Architecture Moderne (CIAM).

Konstanze Domhardt is following an invitation from Prof. Dr. Burcu Dogramaci (CAS Senior Researcher in Residence 2011/12) and will be at the CAS in September 2012 and May 2013.