Prof. Ian Ward, Ph.D.

Previous Visiting Fellow

Ian Ward is Professor of Law at the University of Newcastle in Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Great Britain.

His work is focused on the common ground between the sciences of law, history, literature and philosophy, and he his among the world's leading experts in the area of "Law and Literary Criticism", a discipline which has been intensively studied for several decades in England and the USA, but which continues to receive little attention in Germany. His most important publications include the volume "Law and Literature. Possibilities and Perspectives (Cambridge 1995, paperback edition 2008), which captures the relevant debates on the subject with great power and elegance.

Ian Ward will be a visiting fellow at the CAS in July 2010. During his visit, he will give a lecture entitled "On Literary Jurisprudence" as part of the interdisciplinary conference "Die Innenwelt der Außenwelt der Innenwelt des Rechts. Literaturwissenschaftliche Annäherungen an Recht und Gesetz".