Stefan Krankenhagen earned his Ph.D. At the University of Hildesheim and Georgetown University, Washington D.C., with a thesis on the portrayal and reception history of the holocaust. He has held the position of Associate Professor at the Institute for Modern Foreign Languages of the NTNU University in Trondheim, Norway, since 2005.

Cultural Studies expert Stefan Krankenhagen from the University of Trondheim (Norway) will be a guest at the CAS from the beginning of February until the end of March 2010. In his current research project "Collecting European Integration - Musealizing European Integration. The Emergence of a European Collection?", he is investigating the current collection practice and policies of selected museums from the perspective of a Europeanization of the traditional, nationally influenced museum landscapes. His research is embedded in the interdisciplinary research project "Exhibiting Europe. The Construction of European Integration and Identity in the Musée de l'Europe" financed by the Norwegian Research Council. Stefan Krankenhagen will use his visit in Munich to intensify and extend existing contacts, for example to the German History Museum and the Museum of European Culture, through cooperation with Prof. Dr. Helmuth Trischler (Deutsches Museum / LMU).